

AnaptyxiakoKentroThessalias – AKETH [Developmental Centre OfThessaly – D.C.T.], located in Trikala, Greece, is a non-profit continuing vocational education & training (VET) center/provider. AKETH was founded in 2004 in Trikala – Greece. AKETH as a non-profit organization uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission. Its revenues derive by its activities operating as international VET provider, offering counseling services and providing e-solutions through AKETH lab.

AKETH is aligned with the E.U. strategic framework about fighting the rising levels of unemployment –particularly among young people. It is the same risk which threats a high number of adult workers, resulting in phenomena of social exclusion and the increase of poverty. Such phenomena are more and more appearing, threatening the social cohesion and standard of living. The main way to confront the above is through the improvement of provided education/training in terms of quality and efficiency. AKETH’s mission is to provide
certified education & training opportunities, counseling & personal development in order to contribute in their life improving.

AKETH-DCT operates as a typical nonprofit organization. It is governed by the board of directors. The board is responsible for the policy of the organization and derives its jurisdictionfromtheConstitutionoftheOrganization.Theboard’sworkiscoordinatedbythe chair and the board may organize itself into various committees responsible for carrying out different operations. An executive director is responsible for the management of AKETH according to the strategic direction set by the board. She is also responsible for the day-to- day operation of AKETH.

Performing Areas:
*VET area: is divided in two departments:
1-E.U. projects &programmes (EPA): Sending /Hosting organization, Intermediary organization, Consortium coordinator, Courses provider
2- National project &programmes (NPA):
-Certified VET provider / Adult Trainers Examination center / Adult Trainers center by National Organisation (EOPPEP) for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance

  • Certified ICT examination center by Cambridge- Vellum
  • Certified Training & Exam center for the rational use of agricultural medicines by Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food
  • Consultancy services (CSSA) is divided in:
    Administration services – SMEs Counseling / Career Development
  • AKETH lab (LABA): comprises three Depts.:
    Development & Design / Customization /Supporting on management apps/tools, e-learning and WEB-2 apps/tools, robotic
  • AKETH is certified VET provider by the National Accreditation Organization forVocational Training/Skills.
    Moreover AKETH has been certified as adult educators/trainers examination center by E.O.P.P.E.P.‟ s [National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)] Certification of Educational Attainment for Non-Formal Education Adult Educators AKETH has been awarded for the implementation of its exemplary vocational education and training projects under Leonardo da Vinci programme over the year 2011 from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY – Greek National Agency).
  • Our organization is making a constant effort to contribute substantially to equal access to knowledge in the society, to promote sustainability, healthy behavior and to shape a better future for humans. One of our main objectives is to promote entrepreneurship and personal initiative, as we believe it is the main way to help people get through the hard situation of unemployment that strikes many countries in Europe and especially on the southeastern part.

Our Cultures e-publications

Intellectual output is particularly focused on creating awareness materials. Awareness materials will be created with high quality and the latest technology. These materials will be digitally designed, uploaded to the project web site and open to everyone. These contents can be brochures, posters, flyers, posters, booklets, short animated films, bookmarks, cartoons, short awareness documentaries.

Our Cultures e-book

The aim of IO2 is to become a sustainable resource for users by providing comprehensive guidance and methodological framework for the transfer of cultural heritage and the development of cultural artistic values to the next generation. IO2 will have a free access resource so it can be downloaded and used by anyone who is interested. A Project website will be set up in order to upload the IO and all other intellectual outputs and provide them for free across Europe. Furthermore, we will also publish this e-book in kindle, script, and other online platforms.

Virtual Culture Travel (Mobile application)

IO1 will take the form of take the form of a digital mobile application which will serve as a digital tourist guide to be used in the promotion of cultural sites and structures by turning the regions where our partners live into centres of attraction. The aim of the application is to transfer the cultural and historical values of our partnership countries and European countries to the mobile environment and make them accessible to everyone. For this purpose, interactive content will be produced on the historical, geographical, socio-economic, artistic and literary values of our partners, from their immediate surroundings and then across the country. The content will be on an interactive world map and the contents to be produced will be placed on this map.

The mobile application that will provide easy accessibility to the digital content created by the project participants will be created with the ‘Virtual Cultural Travel’. Thus, the mobile application will effectively promote our cultural heritage with digital content, as well as an innovative guide and e learning that will provide easy access to the cultural structures and areas in the regions where our partners live. It will be used as integrated material for the lessons.